How Leaky Paywall and WooCommerce open the doors to subscriptions and purchases using any payment gateway

Gateway to success

Your brilliant content is what drives the success of your publication.

But all of the brilliant content in the world can’t make your publication profitable if you need a different way of collecting revenue (Leaky Paywall supports Stripe and PayPal out of the box). This is where our WooCommerce integration comes in handy.

You need Leaky Paywall to manage access to your content and a payment gateway that can handle all of your customer subscriptions and product purchases.  Our WooCommerce add-on can cater to the payment needs of your specific region without disrupting the smooth subscription experience you’ve crafted for your readers.

And this is one of the places where Leaky Paywall really shines.

Just ask Mecardo and Modern Drummer Magazine

The partnership

Mecardo is a digital publication that provides in-depth analysis on Australia’s agricultural markets.

They use eWAY, a specifically Oceanic payment gateway, to handle their credit card transactions.

eWAY, like Stripe and Square and PayPal and Authorize.Net and a million other gateways, works with WooCommerce to create, maintain, and secure a subscriber database.

And WooCommerce integrates seamlessly with Leaky Paywall.

Which also means that eWAY (and Stripe and Square and Paypal and Authorize.Net and all their payment gateway brethren) integrate nicely with Leaky Paywall as well.

The payment

Here’s how it works:

A Mecardo reader becomes a Mecardo subscriber, with eWAY handling their credit card payment.  eWAY then sends their customer data to WooCommerce, who files it away under lock and key.

When that new subscriber logs in to Mecardo, Leaky Paywall sends a query to WooCommerce: ‘Does this person have access?’

WooCommerce sends a reply: either ‘no’, ‘basic’, or ‘premium’. Leaky Paywall then opens the doors for instant access to Mecardo’s rich content, based on the subscription level. 

Leaky Paywall controls the access finesse while WooCommerce provides the database brawn.

And because they share a customer table, the connection is immediate and the process streamlined.

Secure data, protected content, happy readers: a digital publication trifecta.

The seamless experience

Integrating Leaky Paywall, WooCommerce, and your chosen payment gateway also reduces the friction for any other purchase your reader might want to make.

Modern Drummer Magazine follows the membership subscription model for its regular readers. But it also has an online shop full of other products: special issue bundles, print editions, Modern Drummer merchandise, drumming accessories, and more.

For the logged-in subscriber, buying these items is incredibly simple. All they have to do is select what they want and confirm their purchase. No additional registration or payment information entry required.

Just like the magazine itself, the shop is managed by WooCommerce, the access by Leaky Paywall.

The sum-up

The WooCommerce integration allows publications to use all of Leaky Paywall’s flexibility, without getting bogged down in the morass of securing and maintaining customer information.

Instead, with WooCommerce as a proven and trusted source-of-truth, Leaky Paywall can forge ahead on wrangling your content by subscription level and enticing your readers into becoming subscribers.

A perfect partnership.


Looking for elegant digital distribution solutions? Wondering which payment gateway will best serve your needs? Let’s talk.

Learn how Leaky Paywall can help grow your subscription revenue