Subscriber Behavior: What insights do you need?

It’s time to identify the articles that convert your new free and paid subscribers. By digging into this single metric, you can quickly learn more about what readers actually value and will pay for.

Do Flipbook E-Editions Really Work?

Flipbooks (or e-editions) were an early development in field of digital publications. It was a logical step: they were a perfect replica of the print magazine, right down to the flipping pages (and sound effect).

As the digital world has advanced, flipbooks have fallen out of favor for many good reasons. But that doesn’t mean that they are completely obsolete.

What are subscription retention best practices?

We received a question from Flyer Magazine on how best to handle subscriber retention emails. After reviewing the website, the video below turned into a retention and new subscriber generation session.

Subscription predictions for 2023

Tyler Channel and I talk about trends that we have seen put into action as well as what publishers said they were planning on in 2023. This episode turned into a ‘recommended major themes’ discussion… actions that you should consider adopting this year.

Which articles are converting paid subscribers?

With our new Insights from Leaky Paywall, you can now easily track which articles are generating the most paying subscribers and free registrations. This powerful tool gives you visibility into reader habits, allowing you to identify which types of content are resonating with audiences and driving conversions.