Coming soon: Subscriber Scoring

Connect with your super fans, and prevent churn with low engagement subscribers.

Leaky Paywall Subscriber Scoring lets you see who is engaging with your content and how often.

Segment your readers with a 1-100 rating system. The higher the number the more engaged they are.

Export high and low rated subscribers to your email software to send them targeted messages.

flowletter customers can automatically send readers to a segment in flowletter.

Use cases:

Send highly rated free registered subscribers a subscription promotion.

Send lower rated free registered users a day pass promotion.

Send lower rated paid subscribers content to prevent churn.

Send super-users a survey to encourage testimonials and help you create new products.


Let me know when Subscriber Scoring is ready

Yes I am interested in putting my reader activity to work.

“We quickly learned that Pinterest works and is now our 4th biggest source of paid subscribers”
Small Boats Monthly

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