Happy New Year!
It’s a new year for the world and for your publication. We’ve got some great new tips and tools for boosting your revenue and optimizing your publication.
Now you can easily create a paid newsletter or charge individually for premium content. You can track your revenue on the dashboard and find new ideas for generating more. We’ve got tips for attracting more subscribers as well as keeping the ones you already have.
You ready? Let’s go.
Featured Update: Create a Paid Newsletter with the Mailchimp Add-On
The Mailchimp Add-On to Leaky Paywall now unsubscribes when a payment fails or a user cancels their subscription.
With the existing automation that Mailchimp provides, this gives you the ability to create a paid newsletter with the tools you already have.
Recent Updates
- Leaky Paywall Basic Shipping now gives you the option to display shipping fields on your gift subscriptions.
- Leaky Paywall Gift Subscriptions will allow readers to purchase with a coupon.
- Leaky Paywall update fixes bugs and adds some small features. Learn more.
- Leaky Paywall is now in Norwegian! Learn more about WordPress translations.
- We’ve added a 30-day Revenue field to the Leaky Paywall Dashboard.
New Add-On: Per Level Emails
This Leaky Paywall premium extension gives you the ability to send customized emails to your subscription levels.
The added rich text editor makes it even easier to craft targeted emails to your free, paid, or premium subscribers.
Featured Add-On: Pay Per Post
Now you can sell access to single posts, events, or documents for a one-time fee. The Leaky Paywall Pay Per Post add-on gives you the power to diversify your revenue and make the most of your most valuable content.
New Podcast Episodes 
An Interview with Greg Wolfe on magazine renewals and gift subscription strategies takes readers through the economics and efficiencies of different marketing and outreach tactics.
An Interview with Todd Moen of Catch Magazine gives an inside look at building up a stunning digital-only magazine for a niche readership.
The podcast can be found on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts.
These episodes can now also be found on Pandora.
Check out all episodes of the Paywall Podcast.
Updated Feature: Supporting Documents & Help
We have updated our Help section with new categories that allow you to hone in on solutions and optimize how you use our tools for your publication.
Included in this update is our new Revenue section which provides a number of suggestions and implementations for boosting and diversifying your publication’s revenue.
Featured Tip
Make sure that Google is indexing all of your content…even if you are using Leaky Paywall as a hard paywall, with no free articles to sample. Learn how to take advantage of Google’s flexible sampling.
The Year In Review
No one can deny that 2020 was a whirlwind but it didn’t stop your publications from moving forward and it didn’t stop us from building new tools and functionalities to help.
A few highlights from our year:
- Reached 1000+ active Leaky Paywall users
- Leaky Paywall became SCA Compliant
- Leaky Paywall became a Stripe Verified Partner
- Launched the Paywall Podcast
- Released 14 New Add-Ons, most to Leaky Paywall:
- Per Level Emails
- Pay Per Post
- SimpleCirc
- Custom Registration Fields
- Double Opt In
- Ad Blocker Notice
- Login Redirect
- Slack
- MagHub
- IP Blocker
- Group Accounts
- WooCommerce
- Issue M: Flipbook
The beautiful thing about these updates? Most of them were built and made available because one of you requested them.
Ready to help us make an even better 2021? Let us know what tools and functions would make your publication soar.
Recent Success Story
Create meaningful revenue and content with paying advertisers
The Fisherman Magazine has found a way of creating valuable content and being paid for the privilege of publishing it. Their daily fishing reports provide invaluable intel to their readers…and the boat captains who provide the information pay to have their content posted. See how it works.
More tips and updates are always available on our site.
Until next time, be safe and be well!
Pete Ericson & Jeremy Green