Publish real web issues that grow search, social sharing, and look great on mobile.
Modern mobile reading
IssueM works with any mobile responsive theme, making your articles and issues look great on mobile devices. PDFs and flipbooks are difficult to read on small screens. It’s time to reach the modern reader.
Search and social growth
Every article of every issue shows up in Google search, is easy to share socially, and sends you significantly more potential readers. If your content is locked in PDFs or flipbooks, it time to upgrade.
Ready to go issue layout
Choose your current issue & archive pages, add the Active Issue widget, and your issues are ready for prime time. Need to offer flipbooks to your readers? Done. IssueM offers an integrated native flipbook experience.
Built for news and magazine publishers
IssueM is the most flexible issue builder for publishers who use WordPress. It lets your content rank in search and promotes sharing in social media. Use IssueM to build special web content issues for subscribers or to use promotionally.
Digital issues for the modern reader.
IssueM creates regular web articles that the modern reader is already comfortable with. These articles are simply organized by issue.
Our award-winning (Folio Design Awards Winner) IssueM publisher lets you quickly build content issues that are discovered in search, shared in social, and look great on mobile. It’s how we got into publishing (with college magazines).

Your issue archive
Your past issues page is ready to go and loads up all your issues automatically. Issue URLs are preserved to keep attracting visitors from search.
Your current issue
IssueM creates regular web articles that are grouped by issue. When you take a new issue live it replaces the previous current issue. All your issues can be found in the above issue archive view. Clicking on a past issue simply loads it up as the current issue.

Your article page
Your articles pages are simply normal web-based articles that are the standard for search and social promotion as well as looking great on mobile. These articles are simply organized by Issue and separate from your daily news feed to keep your content organized.

“We have a person on staff and part of what he does is going through the very old articles. He’s making sure each article from every issue is available individually and responsive on our website and apps. Every time we publish an old or new article, they can be indexed by Google and become searchable.
Miguel – Publisher

How IssueM works
Upon activation, IssueM creates a new post type in your WordPress site called Articles. You simply create an issue, create your articles and assigned them to the issue. When you are ready you can take the issue live. All your published issues remain available on your past issues page and are organized by their cover images. Check out how LandLine Media puts IssueM to work.
Flipbook integration
IssueM integrates with Real3d Flipbooks for a native flipbook experience and Leaky Paywall access restriction. Stop sending your readers off to a third party website. Simply load up your PDFs on your site and they are converted to flipbooks in seconds.

Earn more revenue with apps.
Your iOS and Android apps are ready to roll… With our UniPress platform your apps will automatically publish your news & IssueM content, push notifications, advertising… right from WordPress. Leaky Paywall seamlessly integrates with your apps for a true one-dashboard workflow and creates a brand new revenue stream from in-app subscriptions.