The Deep Breath Before the Plunge
We have firmly arrived in the fall, which means it’s time to start squaring away the loose ends in preparation for the holidays.
This month we’ve got some tips for understanding subscriber behavior, technical updates and suggestions for fine-tuning your site, new integrations for partners you trust, and featured publishers from whom you can draw inspiration.
Are you ready to get ready?
Let’s go.
Featured Tool (with New Instructions): Leaky Paywall Insights
Our new Insights user behavior platform is an incredibly valuable new tool, providing an all-in-one overview of analytics data from your site, your social media, your subscribers, and more.

But all that glorious info doesn’t do you any good if you don’t know how to access it.
Which is why Wally Wallace of our partner 50Fish is going to walk you through the basics of using the Insights Platform in a new set of short-and-sweet instructional videos.

New Release: Anvil WordPress Theme
Anvil is our new custom WordPress theme for your publication. It is a beautifully clean, fast-loading, SEO-friendly theme using our IssueM layout.
Designed for use by WordPress developers with theming experience, Anvil is a lightweight framework that can serve as an unshakeable foundation for a really nice web issue. Build it exactly to your specifications with no unwanted extras or kinks gumming up the works.

For examples of the great publications that can built in Anvil, check out some of our featured publishers:
And if you don’t already have a developer, we’ve got a list of WordPress developers we have vetted and are happy to recommend.
New Integrations

Learn more.

Learn more.
Leaky Paywall Integrations
We pride ourselves on making Leaky Paywall as versatile as possible. Which is why we’ve built a vast and growing array of integrations – for your performance analytics, subscriber data, notifications, emails, CRM, and more.
Our partners in this endeavor include Slack, Mailchimp, HubSpot, ZOHO, and many, many more.
Check out the full list.
Featured Publisher: The Wire China

The Wire China is a long-form news publisher, featuring a weekly digital magazine and daily news feed providing in-depth coverage of the business, finance, and economics news from the Middle Kingdom.
Built on Leaky Paywall and IssueM, their site is a prime example of a smooth and compelling subscriber experience. It starts with a sticky menu that prominently features the subscribe option. The content is strictly metered and sends hopeful readers to the subscription page.

The subscription page itself is clean and simply styled, with a good description of subscription benefits and easily comprehensible subscription cards.
The Wire China is also notable for its excellent use of corporate and group subscriptions, offering sharp discounts to students and special rates for groups.
Recent Updates: Leaky Paywall
We recently released an update for Leaky Paywall that added a few features and fixed a few bugs. Take a look at what the new update did:
- Updated rounding for Apple Pay
- Barred free users from registering for the same level again
- Added additional hooks
- Updated alternative restriction handling to work with pages and children
- Updated wording when a subscription is restarted
- Added submitted fields to leaky_paywall_process_stripe_payment_customer_array filter
- Updated dashboard messaging
Featured Update: Leaky Paywall Basic Shipping
A new source of truth
A recent update to the Leaky Paywall Basic Shipping add-on allows you to use Stripe as the source of truth for your customer data. Basic Shipping can send your customer’s shipping information directly to Stripe, to be safely stored as an access database.
Questions on any of these updates? We’re happy to help.
Recent Success Story
How Western Standard uses content insights to drive more visitors to their website
The Western Standard is using our new Insights platform to help create content more likely to attract visitors to their publication. Bringing Insight data to their daily editorial meeting has been a game-changer.

More tips and updates are always available on our site.
Until next time, be safe and be well!
Pete Ericson & Jeremy Green